And the Lord said to me, 'A
conspiracy has
been found among the men of Judah and among
the inhabitants of Jerusalem."
--Jeremiah, 11:9
"666 is the occult number of the Hexagram,
the symbol of the Sun..." David Cherubim,
priest of the Golden Dawn, an influential
magical fraternity to which
Aleister Crowley
George Orwell
once belonged.
"At certain points during the year, according to legend, the
spirit of the Sun God Ra entered the stones of the obelisks,
and the Egyptians offered up human sacrifices to the
deity at those times."
( Solomon's Key: A Companion Guide to 'The Lost Symbol'
page 62, Tango Publishing Company)
Druids performed wicker-man
rites of human sacrifice, says
Lewis Spence, the author of "The Druids: Their Origin and
History", pp. 104-105, Barnes and Noble Books, NY, 1949, as
here quoted:
"Certain writers on Celtic history have indignantly denied
that the Druidic caste ever practised the horrible rite of
human sacrifice. There is no question, however, that
practice it they did. Tacitus alludes to the fact that the
Druids of Anglesea 'covered their altars with the blood of
captives.' If the words of Caesar are to be credited, human
sacrifice was a frequent and common element in their
religious preocedure. He tells us that no sacrifice might be
carried out except in the presence of a Druid. Those persons
who suffered from painful diseases, or who found themselves
in danger of their lives in the day of battle, made a vow
that were their sufferings mitigated or their lives spared,
they would sacrifice a human victim to the gods, making the
Druids performers of these sacrifices. To this Cicero refers
in his oration for Fonteius as to a well-known fact, and the
reader may be reminded that he had personally known AEduan
Druid Divitiacus, who had indeed been the guest of his
brother Quintus Cicero. Ceasar adds that it was thought
essential that the life of one man must be offered up to
save another, and many illustrations of this practice are to
be found in British folklore. In 1590, for example, Hector
Munro, Baron of Fowlis, who was sick, was informed by a
witch that 'the principal man of his blood must die for
It is in this same passage in his Commentaries that Caesar
introduces the famous topic of the huge wicker-work images
in which the Druids were said to burn scores of people
alive. 'Others,' he says, 'have figures of vast size, the
limbs of which, formed of osiers, they fill with living men,
which being set on fire, the men perish enveloped in the
flames.' Victims, he tells us, were mostly criminals, who
were more pleasing to the gods, although when such were
scarce the innocent were victimized in thier places. Strabo
avers that the greater the number of criminals sacrificed,
the greater the yeild from the land. In a later passage
Strabo tells us that the Druids, 'having devised a collosus
of straw and wood, throw into the colossus cattle and wild
animals and human beings, and then make a burnt-offering of
the whole."
Lewis Spence, the author of "Druids: Their Origin and
History", then goes on to tell us that these sacrifices were
held at spring during the festival of Beallteinn, i.e.,
Beltane, on May 1st., and that they were thought to have a
definate effect on the fertility of the soil. In Beltane
rituals, "human victims were passed through the fire in
order that they might furnish the sun-god with renewed power
to carry on his arduous labours in respect of growth and
fertility, as in ancient Mexico, where human sacrifice was
believed to refresh the solar, rain, and maize-gods." He
tells us that similar May-day rites were practiced in nearly
all parts of Europe. We are likewise informed by Keating
that the Irish Druids on the eve of Samhain burned their
victims in the holy fire. (History of Ireland, Vol. II, pp.
133, 247, 251)
Here, in another report of Druid ritual sacrifice, Hisslop,
a vehemenently anti-Catholic Protestant writer, testifies of
the historically well-documented fact that the Druid priests
in Europe performed human sacrifice & partook in canibalism
("The Two Babylons", Hislop, page 231, 234):
There is reason to believe that the same practice obtained
in our own land in the times of the Druids. We know that
they offered human sacrifices to their bloody gods. We have
evidence that they made "their children pass through the
fire to Moloch," and that makes it highly probable that they
also offered them in sacrifice; for, from Jeremiah xxxii.
35, compared with Jeremiah xix. 5, we find that these two
things were parts of one and the same system. The god whom
the Druids worshiped was Baal, as the blazing Baal-fires
show, and the last-cited passage proves that children were
offered in sacrifice to Baal. When "fruit of the body" was
thus offered, it was "for the sin of the soul." And it was a
principle of the Mosaic law, a principle no doubt derived
from the patriarchal faith, that the priest must partake of
whatever was offered in a sin offering (Numbers xviii.
9,10). Hence, the priests of Nimrod or Baal were necessarily
required to eat of the human sacrifices; and thus it has
come to pass that "Cahna-Bal," * the "Priest of Baal," is
the established word in our own tongue for a devourer of
human flesh.
The Druids considered HALLOWEEN to be one of the highest
festivals of the year. Samhain, named after Saman, who was
god of the dead, was the "holy day" celebrated as the Feast of
the Dead. The worshiped the sun god with names like Bel
(Ba'al?) or Chrom (Chronos?) on October 31. They believed
that he died and went into the kingdom of the dead, Anwynn.
They kept the day sacred to insure their god's return. Even
witches admit this involved human sacrifice. Human blood
opened up the gates of Anwynn and released the spirits for a
night, thus October 31 came to be associated with ghosts.
Samhain is still celebrated by Pagans and is the most solemn
ceremeony on their calender."
Sun worship that entailed human sacrifice seems to have been
practised by many cultures on many continents, including the
Middle East, as recorded in the Bible; Europe, as recorded
by Ceaser and Cicero, among others--both in the mainland and
in England; South America, by the Mayans, according to Carl
Raschke, in his book "Painted Black", and in Mexico, by the
Aztecs, as recorded by the Spanish Conquistadors. The record
of archaeology also attests to this fact, as does a plethora
of other historical data, which leads to the question as to
to how or why these diverse cultures on seperate continents,
often without any known means of communicating, arrived at a
form of worship that can only be described as demonic?
Perhaps one clue is given by Christopher Knight, a Freemason,
in his book
"Solomon's Builders", where he quotes at length from a 1607,
AD, Masonic document known as "The Inigo Jones Manuscript",
and concludes:
"The document goes on to recount the passage of this great
knowledge from the time of the Flood onwards and describes
the building of King Solomon's Temple by Hiram Abif. It
continues by telling the story of the rebuilding of the
Jerusalem Temple
by Zerubbabel and again by Herod. Jones
also claims that
Masons from
travelled to
Glastonbury in England in the year AD43." ("Solomon's
Builders", page 191, by Christopher Knight and Alan Butler)
[Molech-like worship as practised today at Bohemian Gove, as
documented by Alex Jones in "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian
Grove". According to Toyne Newton, author of "Dark Worship:
The Occult's Quest for World Domination", the owl was once a
symbol of the fire god Moloch. 'Tammuz' (read Ezekial 8-9)
means "to make perfect with fire." "Molech was regarded as a
sun god.
So, the Israelites and their neighbors who worshiped
Molech were actually worshiplping the Sun god.
Also in Acts
7:42...there is a reference to the worship of heavenly bodies.
The two most prominent such heavenly bodies are the sun and
moon." (
This is according to
Kevil L. Gest,
a Freemason, in his book The Secrets of Solomon's Temple,
page 242-243) As Freemason Gest notes, the sun and
moon are symbols used frequently in Masonic regalia and decor.
Like the two triangles in Solomon's Seal,
they signify, in Judeo-Freemasonry,
opposite principles in nature,
e.g., dark-light, male-female, etc.)]
Freemasonry must die, or liberty must die." -- Charles G. Finney
"Those who sin are slaves, and slaves have no rights."
-- Jesus Christ, John 8:34
"Qabalah is the heart of the
Western Hermetic tradition; it is the foundation upon which the art
of Western magic rests." -- Sandra and Chic Cicero, the authors of "The
Essencial Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic",
page 96. Llewlellyn Publications
"For by thy sorceries were all nations decieved." Rev. 18:23
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their associates. All materials posted herein
are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
fair use of copyrighted works. Neither this site nor its
content has been
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in whose honor the site
is dedicated.
-- Thomas Penn
Prepared & presented by N.O.S.,
Purgatory, Colorado, USA
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"Join me in battle, little children,
against the black beast, Masonry..."
Mother Mary [source: Father Gobbi,
Evolution & Freemasonry]
Pope Pius IX, speaking of
"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of
and the star of your god
figures which ye make to worship
them; and I will carry you away
beyond Babylon." Acts 7:43 KJV
Wherefore come out from among
them, and be ye separate,
saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing.." (II
Corinthians 6:18 KJV)
Joan of Arc on
the Bohemians